AZSITE Consortium

Quarterly Meeting

Arizona State Museum, Tucson

February 7, 2005



David Wilcox, MNA, Presiding

Laurel Myer, Aztlan Archaeology

Toni Goar, TRC

Alissa Bentz, ACS

Rick Karl, ASM

Beth Grindell, ASM, recording

Teresa Serrano, ASM

Michael Barton, ASU


A.     The meeting was called to order by David Wilcox at 1:35 pm.


B.     Introduction of members and guests:  see above.


C.     Old Business


1.         The Minutes of Nov. meeting were approved on motion and second from Barton and Grindell.

2.         Report on ten-year planning meeting held Jan. 24, 2005, at SHPO.  Wilcox reported that since it had been eight years since the 1997 statewide meeting to develop AZSITE, a meeting of the heads of the agencies that run AZSITE got together at Arizona State Parks last week to discuss the future of AZSITE.  Beth Grindell provided a short history of AZSITE, we toured the SHPO offices and discussed its numerous functions, and then we held a discussion of what the next 10 years might look like for AZSITE.   AZSITE enhancements might include better connections between visual and attribute data, getting site maps on-line, and adding some predictive modeling function.  We also talked about ways to get some official recognition for AZSITE in the state.  It appears to Consortium agencies that AZSITE is one of the most comprehensive statewide systems and it would be helpful to get some comparative information on this.  We are looking to bring new partners into the Consortium, perhaps along the model of our successful relationship with Arizona BLM.  The Consortium would be happy to get input from contract firms on comparisons with how things work in other states.  Karl reported that BLM does have the AZSITE data entry system working on its hand-held IPACS and it is being tested in the field.  The AZSITE data tables as they are being developed by BLM will be available to contractors to download for their use, even on non-BLM-related projects. 

3.         Grants and ISAs:  Beth Grindell reported that Carol Griffith is finalizing the Interagency Service agreements between Arizona State Parks/SHPO and ASM and ASU.  She expects to circulate them for signature in two weeks.  She will develop a contract between Arizona State Parks and the Museum of Northern Arizona.  The Technology Opportunity Grant Program, which AZSITE hoped to apply to this year has lost its funding.  We should consider whether to apply again for Enhancement funds. 

4.         Standing Committee Reports:

a.                Database Committee:

(i)             AZSITE USGS 7.5’ maps have been purchased as have licenses, person who installs the software has left ASU so we hope they will be up momentarily.

(ii)           AZSITE Records Checks:  Records checks for authorized AZSITE users are first done with AZSITE and then ASM records are double checked against the 7.5’ paper maps in ASM Archaeological Records Office.  Due to a data entry backlog, ASM does pencil plot all sites immediately from incoming records on ASM base maps so that they can be picked up and entered electronically if someone requests data from that area. We can do searches on specific data types for contractors, although those cannot be done on line yet. 

(iii)          Cost of records checks through ASM:  $50.00 per hour, one hour minimum. (For large area searches intersecting more than 6 USGS 7.5’ quads the fees are $50 for the first 6 map quads that the project area intersects and $12.50 for each USGS 7.5’ quad thereafter.)

(iv)         Status of Canal Data:  Rick Karl reviewed the plans for digitizing the Phoenix Basin Midvale-Turney canal maps, as plotted by Jerry Howard.  They will be put on line as one linear site.  As portions get recorded, or as portions of recorded canals are correlated with the Howard canal map, those segments will be clipped and marked as separate sites. Wilcox expressed concern that there are many more canals than the map reflects and that the map may offer false level of comfort for canals.

b.                Status of FaunAZ Database:  ASM’s zooarchaeologist, Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman, obtained Arizona Game and Fish funds to create a database of known faunal remains on archaeological sites, based on excavation reports.  These data will be attached as separate tables to AZSITE, available to AZSITE users, and will add data automatically to the chronology tables.  Game and Fish personnel would like to be able to see the faunal data compiled at the section level so that they can see distributions of archaeologically known remains, without revealing site location data.  Game and Fish personnel would log into AZMAP to generate maps, without site location data. 

5.         Management Committee:  Wilcox reported that the committee met this morning and authorized the expenditure of $3000 for MNA for data entry.  Karl provided information on which agencies/companies have signed on as users this year.  Seventy nine companies/agencies totaling 196 users have signed up so far for 2005.  This will be approximately $47,150 in income this year.  A portion will be used for database manager salary, additional funds will cover a new server, and MNA data entry. 

6.         Tribal Committee:  Grindell and Wilcox talked with Alyce Sadongei, coordinator of ASM’s Southwest Native Nations Advisory Board, about doing an AZSITE update/demonstration with this Board at its April meeting.


D.    New Business:  No new business was raised.


E.     Public Comment:  No public comment was made.


F.      The next meeting Thursday, May 5, 1:30- 2:30 p.m., ASU, Tempe.


G.    The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 pm.