AZSITE Consortium Meeting

Wednesday, January 13, 1999


ARI, Tempe


Arizona State Museum Beth Grindell, Sharon Urban, Rick Karl

Arizona State University Michael Barton, Peter McCartney

Museum of Northern Arizona David Wilcox

State Historic Preservation Office Carol Griffith, Steve Savage

Ak-Chin Indian Community Jon Shumaker

Logan Simpson Design Diane Douglas

Salt River Project Rick Anduze

Northland Research, Inc. Mary-Ellen Walsh

Arizona Department of Transportation Owen Lindauer, Larz Garcia

Bureau of Land Management Gray Stumpf

State Land Department Ken Rozen


1. ISTEA budget modifications – Carol Griffith announced that it was necessary to make some minor budget modifications to the ISTEA budget as some of the equipment and software has already been bought. The required matching funds (5.7% of the total) will come from Arizona Heritage Funds grants to each participating agency. Larz Garcia noted that we need to do a revised Scope of work and have the IGA finalized.

2. Heritage Funds – There are $54,000 available for use by ASM, ASU and MNA. ASM has already submitted a request for half of that and ASU and MNA need to develop figures. It may be possible to include funds for the development of the bibliographic software. The funds may not be used for training but software purchases will be applicable. Gary Stumpf announced that BLM will be contributing $27,000 this fiscal year toward the effort.

3. Review of draft permanent license agreement – Some revisions were made to wording of the annual license and user account agreements. It was suggested that the user license be available on line for all those people listed in the annual license application, although this means we would not get a user signature. The license should be renewable every January 15.

4. System status report: McCartney reported that all data are on the new server. Passwords, however, did not migrate, so they all had to be re-assigned. Anyone without a working password should call him. He is developing on-line routines for people to maintain their own passwords. In the replication process, related attribute tables did not replicate so that is in process. Soon, the full version of the database will be accessible only to core consortium members and all others will view the replicated version. The stand alone works in tandem with newly created software and McCartney and Karl are working on guides for the stand alone. The program creates a file which can then be reviewed and uploaded to master. The entire file and directory are archived permanently and then uploaded. The program runs a concordance between temporary and final azsite numbers and the agency number.

There was a long discussion of, believe it or not, site numbers. There was concurrence that the number of sites without an agency site number (i.e., sites on private land) are few and mostly in the SHPO files, where the street address serves as the unique identifier. It was suggested that a committee be formed to identify who is responsible for private lands records management.

The database cannot be released for public use until the filter works properly and license agreements are in place. April is the target.

5. Data entry status report: There was a discussion of the distribution of BLM records among the consortium members for data entry. Now that MNA has a half-time GIS person (Andy Gavin) on staff, they will be taking back maps from Kingman and AZ Strip BLM offices to complete the digitizing and data entry. Steve Savage is working on Phoenix BLM maps; a substantial quantity still remain to digitize. There was a discussion of the status of Tonto National Forest records. They are not in electronic form at TNF. SHPO has drawers full of TNF reports that could be used as source documents. ASM already has some TNF data in its files, as does ASU and those need to be checked before new data are added. David Wilcox voluteered to talk to Scott Wood about his participation in AZSITE.

6. The next meeting will be Thursday, February 25, 1999, at 9:30 a.m. at ARI, Tempe Center.