Home > Minutes > July 2002 Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Meeting
Monday, July 22, 2002
Museum of Northern Arizona


Michael Barton, ASU, presiding
Beth Grindell, ASM, recording
Carol Griffith, SHPO
David Wilcox, MNA
Carol Heathington, Luke Air Force Base
Brian Stull, Kinlani Archaeology
Rick Karl, ASM
Cara Schmidt, SWCA

The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m.

  • 1. Minutes of the April 18, 2002, meeting were approved.
  • 2. Grants:

  • a. Carol Griffith reported on a grant she just submitted to NEH for digital data creation. The grant would digitize all the SHPO maps for inclusion in AZSITE and would create sensitivity maps of data for distribution to towns/municipalities for planning purposes but where site location data are not needed. NEH approved the pre-proposal project outline, but the final approval will not be until late spring, 2003. Cara Schmidt asked whether the sensitivity data would be available to all AZSITE users as there are probably many situations where it could answer fast questions.
    b. Rick Karl reported that the NCPTT grant was not approved. It would have been applied to user training and manual preparation.

  • 3. Standing Committees:

  • a. Database Committee:

    i. There was a user group meeting May 23, 2002, to discuss changes to the web application. Implementation of the 1:24000 maps cannot take place until after the move to the Sun OS, probably within the month, as it is in progress now, but has been more time-consuming than expected. We do not expect that the addition of the 1:24000 maps will slow delivery over internet lines, and with the Sun OS there may be a slight improvement in speed.

    ii. Michael Barton reported that someone outside the user group attempted to get into the system, but could not, and wrote a letter to the Deputy SHPO to report the results of his attempts. He has been informed that his attempts were illegal (as well as unsuccessful) and may leave him liable to charges.

    iii. Rick Karl reported that there is still a month lag before new data get added to the GIS web site but that data are uploaded to the azsite.asu.edu web site on a weekly basis.

    iv. Carol Griffith reported that an intern was adding eligibility data to records so some progress is being made in that area.

    v. Bibliographic references have gone into the azsite.asu.edu web page. Cara Schmidt noted that there is no link from references or from sites to the relevant projects.

    b. Management Committee: We have developed a protocol to formalize access policies for educational institutions. It will follow the same format as other users: they need to submit an application, signed by the major professor, as well as all students who will be accessing data. Implementation of an institutional fee for educational and private non-profit organizations, who may apply for a waiver. They still must meet the criteria for users.

    c. Tribal Concerns: We have been asked to make a presentation about AZSITE at the next ITCA meeting. The last time we did this there was no internet connection, which will be essential.

    4. New Business:

    a. Beth Grindell reported on electronic data transfers that have been done, as these might become more common requests. This includes data for a State Land planning project where ASM delivered sensitivity data, a pipeline planning project for a CRM firm and a power line siting project for a CRM firm.

    b. Brian Stull noted that for Kinlani, the majority of whose projects are outside the urbanized metropolitan areas, AZSITE will not be useful until all data are included.

    c. Rick Karl noted that there is a new version of the data entry module on the website to be down loaded. Full project names and full reference citations are now a part of the data entry module.

    d. Cara Schmidt has noted discrepancies between the various sets of paper records and electronic records and is unclear to whom such errors and confusions should be reported. Barton suggested that errors should be reported to Rick, for correction in AZSITE and to whomever maintains the paper record (ASM for ASM sites, ASU for ASU sites, etc.). Rick Karl noted that ASM project records were digitized from original reports not from ASM map overlays so AZSITE data should be more accurate than ASM maps.

    e. Carol Heathington asked if there is any way to know when location data comes from GPS data and Karl noted that the new data entry module asks for the method by which location data was obtained, including GPS coordinates.

    The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, October 31, 1 to 3 p.m., Tempe. The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.