AZSITE Consortium


July 18, 2003

MNA, Flagstaff, AZ


Present:  Michael Barton, ASU, presiding

Beth Grindell, ASM, recording

David Wilcox, MNA

Steve Savage, SHPO

Carol Griffith, SHPO

Matthew Bilsbarrow, SHPO

Rick Karl, ASM

Lynn Neal, ESM


The meeting was called to order at 1:45 p.m.


Carol Griffith informed us that, for the record, the Arizona State Parks Attorney General has informed them that it is not considered necessary for members of the public to identify themselves if they choose not to.


Old Business:

  1. Review of minutes of January, 2003, meeting:  Carol Griffith moved and David Wilcox seconded acceptance of the minutes as written.  The minutes were approved unanimously.
  2. Grants and ISAs:
    1. Beth Grindell reported on the submission, July 7, 2003, of a Round 11 Transportation Enhancement funds proposal.
  3. Database committee: 
    1. Rick Karl reported that we are still working to get the 7.5’ maps on line in a way that they work most effectively.  Currently, the program loads all 1900 at a time, rather than the one or two of interest in queries.  Neither ESRI nor the ASU GIS lab personnel have been able to remedy this yet.
    2. We are exploring splitting the historic and archaeological data so that uses can specify which they want to look at, or they can look at both that the same time.  Since the urban areas contain many of both, it is frequently more useful for users to select only one or the other site type.  The historic data consist of standing architecture that has been recorded as part of a historic building inventory, and is exclusively SHPO data.  The archaeological data includes archaeological sites of all time periods from ASM, ASU, MNA, BLM and other agencies, and some historic sites data that has been recorded at ASM.
    3. ASM’s project registration forms are on-line through AZSITE as PDF files.  ASM prefers not to send people photocopies of these any more and AZSITE users can print these off for themselves at no extra charge.
    4. ASM is also having its 8.5 x 5 site cards filmed and scanned and will ultimately get those available as PDF files, too.
    5. There are currently 85,000 site records and 13,000 project records.  There are 400 electronic data sets waiting to be uploaded.  About 100 projects and 100 new or corrected site records are added per month.
    6. Rick Karl updates which parts of which agency’s records are complete in AZSITE.  Go to the web site,, and follow the link to “Availability of Data” on the left side of the screen.


Management Committee:

  1. Access issues:  A question was raised whether a person who has a user license under one company or institution can use the account while working for another institution and the answer is “no.”  Accounts are issued to institutions and the individuals who work for those institutions may work under those accounts.  Use of the account for work at another institution violates the terms of the user agreement.
  2. Results of user group meeting:
    1. Getting the 7.5’ maps on line continues to present technological obstacles.
    2. Users asked to have the attribute linked to the map application and this is in progress.
    3. Users have reported that there are site plots on the maps but sometimes no attribute data.  Karl noted that these have a false entry into the “publish” field and when he is informed of these he corrects them very quickly.  Just call him when you see such a problem
  3. AZSITE Consortium members’ responsibility toward other agencies data:  No Consortium member will distribute information from the AZSITE database to anyone who does not have an AZSITE user agreement.   Consortium members may, of course, allow any one they wish to use their paper records.
  4. Carol Griffith reported that ASP is having an assessment made of the SHPO’s database needs and then a report on needs for integration will be prepared.  Transportation Enhancement funds, should they be available, will cover some of these issues but not all.


Tribal concerns:

  1. Rick Karl is continuing to cut tribal data from the database.  The information will be stored on CDs and those will be made available to any tribe requesting them. 
  2. Barton reported that he and Rick visited the Ak Chin tribe meeting with Nancy Nelson and provided a demo of AZSITE. 
  3. Rick will be visiting the Prescott people who are interested in using AZSITE.


Next meeting:  Wednesday, October 29, 2003, ARI conference room, ASU, Tempe.


Meeting was adjourned at 2:40 pm.