AZSITE Consortium Meeting Minutes ASM, Tucson January 13, 2003 Present The meeting was called to order at 1:45 pm

Approval of the minutes of the July meeting were postponed to January due to lack of a quorum.

  • Funding Issues
    1. Transportation Enhancement funds proposalGrindell reported on the results of the TERC review of the proposal and answered the following queries:What was the transportation connection? The standards set by the FHWA for use of Enhancement funds include archaeological planning and research. Why do Enhancement funds fund archaeological databases? ADOT rights of way cross cut many jurisdictional boundaries and Transportation Research Board reports note that proper access to information on SHPO recommendations for National Register nominations is an issue of critical importance to state DOTs.
  • Management Issues
    1. Moving the database from the Pinal server at CES to ASM. Map server is at the ASU GIS lab. Ultimately, all data and maps will be on two servers at ASU.McCartney mentions that discussions of the ultimate location of ASU’s GIS lab are in process.
    2. Account renewal – November notices for renewal will be sent out.
  • Database Issues
    1. USGS 7.5 minute maps: We are still working with the GIS lab and ESRI staff to resolve the issue of 7.5 minute USGS maps loading one at a time rather than all at the same time.
    2. Datums: There are problems in which projections data are being submitted, either in NAD 27 or NAD 83.AZSITE can deal with either, but we must know at the time of submission what it is.USGS is moving to NAD 83 so ultimately all data should be projected into that datum.Karl mentioned that if users see incorrect data due to projection errors to report them immediately as they are quick to fix.
    3. : BLM Data: Karl contracted with Safford and Sierra Vista to bring their records to ASM and enter them into AZSITE.He is working to develop print function the data entry module that will accommodate the BLM site card and project form.
    4. USFS data: Karl is working with staff at Coconino to develop a database that will accommodate both AZSITE and the USFS data system so that archaeologists need to create only one dataset rather than two.The USFS had no way to enter new data at this point into their system so a data entry system that can accommodate both will be a big advantage. The USFS archaeologists will be looking from some USFS resources to fund this.
    5. Required use of GPS units by BLM: BLM will require, by next April, that GPS be used to record sites. There is a lengthy standard that is being issued.
    6. Prehistoric and historic sites: Due to concerns that in some urban areas, the quantity of historic sites recorded for SHPO masks the smaller number of archaeological sites, they have been separated to make them less cumbersome to use. Bruder suggests calling them “standing buildings and structures” and that suggestion was accepted.
  • Tribal data: Karl reminded the meeting that tribal data has been removed from the database, copied to CDs and sent to any interested tribes.
  • New Business
    1. City of Phoenix: Bruder mentioned that Phoenix maintains its own database but wishes to make sure that the data are in concert with AZSITE. EcoPlan has been asked to do a “compare and contrast” of the data in the Phoenix and AZSITE.Grindell discussed concerns about the development of multiple databases and the costs and inaccuracies this imposes on a system.She expressed a hope that Phoenix will agree to adopt AZSITE for its underlying database to preven long-term database drift.
  • The User group meeting begins after this meeting. The next meeting will be in January, date to be announced. This meeting was adjourned at 2:40 pm.