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Entry Module

Submitting Data to AZSITE

ASM Projects

If your project is being registered/curated with ASM, follow the submission instructions provided by the Archaeological Records Office (ARO). ARO staff will pass the data directly to AZSITE following curation.

AZSITE Courtesy Submissions

If your project is not required to curate at ASM, you can submit data to AZSITE as a courtesy submission. This can be done digitally or by mail.


If submitting digitally, please contact the AZSITE Manager for submission instructions. For security reasons, please do not email submission material.


If submitting by mail, send a CD or USB drive containing the completed entry module and shapefiles for survey and all sites and/or site updates to:

Arizona State Museum c/o Gabe McGowan
The University of Arizona
1013 E. University Blvd.
PO Box 210026
Tucson, AZ 85721-0026

Important Notes

Courtesy submissions cannot use ASM Accession or Site Numbers.If you wish to update a previously recorded ASM Site on Private or Federal land, either:

  • Use a different site numbering system if the project will not be registered with ASM, or
  • Register the project with ASM for an official change to the previously recorded ASM Site boundary. See the ASM project submission guidelines for further information.

Courtesy submissions to AZSITE do not replace mandated curation requirements.

All projects registered/curated with ASM are forwarded to AZSITE; there is no need to submit data to both institutions.

Courtesy submissions to AZSITE are processed free of charge.